- News Archive
Thanks and kudos to all who contributed and supported the Nu Stepping to End Alzheimer's event at Still Hopes Skilled Nursing West Columbia, SC! As of this moment, we have raised $6,262! We will not close out the fund raising account until the end of the first week of July, so you can still donate. Don't miss the chance! See any Wellness staff to contribute.
Special shout outs to my Wellness Team . . . Taylor and Sam. These guys worked like maniacs to make this event happen and keep it organized! Ride scheduling and money management were professionally handled and went off without a hitch. Sam copied huge amounts of music to the iPod and created the slide show. Taylor posted on Facebook leading to the event and all day long Monday. Both worked 12 hours yesterday and stayed late Friday to decorate.
Special should out to Trez for helping us set up the Power Point and sound system. Sherry supported us in any way we asked. Wendy, Jeanette, Nicole, Autumn, and Margaret in Accounting were awesome in keeping track of the money, sending it to the Alzheimer's Association, and setting up Resident and Employees monthly billing and payroll deduction forms. Sharee was indispensable in helping me plan the snacks, and she and Ellen kept the snack table perfectly managed. Chris moved all the machines and helped with decoration and clean up.
ALL who rode . . . pat yourselves on hte back! Good for you!
This teamwork is but one example of what makes Still Hopes such a special place to work.