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"We had the privilege of having Dr. Anil Yallapragada with us for our monthly Healthy Dynamics educational program on September 29th at our Retirement Home West Columbia, SC. Dr. Yallapragada is a neurologist with Palmetto Health-USC Medical Group, and provided an excellent program entitled Stroke Management: Timing is Everything! He educated residents about why our area of the country is known as the "stroke belt;" different types of stroke; what actually happens in the body when a stroke occurs; symptoms that a stroke may be occurring; and how important it is to call 911 immediately when any of those symptoms occur. He updated residents on the medical advances being made that make recovery from a stroke more possible than ever, and the medical expertise available right here at our Retirement Home West Columbia, SC.
Dr. Yallapragada noted he was very impressed with our residents' input and discerning questions about the issue of stroke. We at Still Hopes were impressed with Dr. Yallapragada's enthusiasm and passion for his patients and his work; his impressive resume of training and knowledge on stroke treatment and recovery; and his style of delivering this very important information. Residents noted that he was both an excellent speaker and teacher, and that they felt a real connection with him. We so appreciate Dr. Yallapragada for taking this time to be with us to help keep us all healthy and living the best lives possible!"
Tacey Gohean, LMSW
Director of Community Services