- News Archive
"We have all heard the data quoted." The experts tell us that over the next 40 years the population of our country that is over 65 years old will double, from 40 million people to more than 80 million. Those sorts of numbers are staggering. The leadership team at Still Hopes Assisted Living West Columbia, SC works diligently to understand trends relating to older adults so there can be a clear vision of what the future holds. Having this clear vision is actually what led us down the road to our current expansion project. In 2020 we will welcome new residents to the 80 apartments in our fabulous new WellPointe building. With 90% of the apartments already reserved, there is still an opportunity to join the community.
Since we are two years out from welcoming these new residents, we are working to create a community and to build friendships among our depositors. On June 11th we hosted a five course wine dinner for our current WellPointe depositors. Our 85 future residents gathered to enjoy incredible food, delicious wine, and even better fellowship. We had assigned seating to encourage new friendships. By the laughter and the conversations that filled the room, we knew that a good time was being had by all. We will continue to gather our WellPointe depositors together over the next two years to foster the development of our community. We have even begun a WellPointe resident directory to facilitate the building of relationships, and we are creating groups centered around common interests. Stay tuned as we continue to fulfill our vision of “exemplifying a new expectation for senior living."
- Stewart Rawson, Still Hopes Director of Marketing