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Do you have children or grandchildren you would like to keep up with here at our Senior Living West Columbia, SC? Would you like to see their photos from that amazing beach vacation they just took or photos from your grandchild’s graduation ceremony? Then Facebook may be a great thing for you to try. Facebook is also a great tool to learn more about topics that interest you, keep up with promotional opportunities from your favorite brands, news and events happening in the area, or even start an online business. Not to mention, it can be very entertaining.

If you aren’t aware of what Facebook is, it’s a social networking site that allows you to share photos, videos and status updates with your friends. “Status update” is basically just a fancy way of saying that you can tell everyone what you are up to. According to Hootsuite, over 2.2 billion people log into Facebook every month, so there is a good chance your loved ones use Facebook frequently. And if you think you are “too old” for Facebook, don’t worry. The number of Facebook users over the age of 65 makes up over 40% of the total number of Facebook users, so you would be in great company!

If you would like to create a Facebook account, here are some steps to do so according to Facebook’s Help Center:

1) Go to
2) Enter your name, email or mobile phone number, password, date of birth, and gender
3) Click Sign Up
4) To finish creating your account, you need to confirm your email or mobile phone number. (A message will be sent to either your email address or mobile phone and you just click Verify or Confirm”)

And that’s it! The possibilities with Facebook are endless and we hope you consider using this fun tool.